Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Yarn and fiber

This afternoon the yarn we dyed yesterday had finally dried, so first I wound them into hanks. And let me tell you that I am very pleased with the result!

After hanks, I brought out my swift and ballwinder, and turned them into balls instead:

Don't they look professional?! Almost like "real" sock yarn! And I know I didn't actually spin this yarn, but I'm very happy with the colours. I have no clue what to do with it though. The silk yarn that is orange, green and blue could have become very fancy socks, but the yarn is so coarse that I doubt that it will feel any good. Maybe it gets softer with wear? And the other skein is not a full skein, and won't be enough for something big. Maybe I could stripe it with white and make a crazy hat? But whatever I decide, I know I really enjoyed the dyeing process, so the next time I buy yarn I will probably look for some undyed wools too!

And I got a package in the mail today too: My swift and wooly fibers had arrived! Just look at the beautiful box it arrived in:

I think it's a box intended to hold a bottle of wine, but it fit this package perfectly. And I got 150 grams of fiber too, 50 grams of wool from Gotland, a swedish Island off the east coast where they raise very nice sheep, 50 grams of Corriedale and 50 grams of Shetland Humbug. The only thing is: I don't know which is which! I've never spun before, so I've never really looked at fiber, so I have no clue! Maybe some of you readers can help me?

Of course I had to try the spindle out as soon as I got it out of the package, and let me tell you: I'm no good at this! I hadn't counted on being good either, but it didn't really matter. It is so much fun, and it feels like it is very possible to improve with some practice. And 150 grams seem like PLENTY to practice on! I will spin as much as I can now until christmas, because then I'll get the spinning wheel too. This is what I got so far:

It's wonky and uneven, and the thickness varies very much. But I somehow feel like it's sort of supposed to look like that the first time. And I WILL get better! Oh, and speaking of improving: I would rally like a good book on spinning so now I'm wondering: Do any of you have any reading tips? I'm interested in spinning with both spindle and spinning wheel, so any tips will come in handy!

Now I'm going over to my sister's for dinner. They had bought too many pork chops, so they asked if we wanted to come over and eat. Thomas declined, as he has a beginning gastritis and tries to eat as little fried food as possible, but I'm very glad for the offer as I'm getting really hungry. Sometimes it's extra nice to have your sister as a neighbour!

/ Jenny


Ulrika said...

jaha, så nu är du fast i spinnträsket du också...
Interweave har just kommit ut med en bok som heter "Respect the spindle", den verkar jättebra, både för nybörjare och för den som vill utveckla "spinnandet".

Jag trodde att jag skulle färga garn också, fick en massa Kool aid från USA som jag gav bort till en stackare som inte kunde få tag i det, men garnet är kvar!
Om jag inte minns fel är det iallafall 5 härvor med worsted, säg till om du är intresserad!

Ilsefin said...

Kul att du också börjat spinna! Om du har samma ull-varianter som jag fick i mitt paket så är det 50g vit Corriedale, 50g grå Gotland och 50g brun/vit Shetland. I mitt startkit låg det ett visitkort, på baksidan av det stod det vilka fibrer det var.

Helene tipsade mig om de här två böckerna:

Jag tänkte önska mig dem i julklapp, om jag klarar att vänta så länge :) Länkarna går för övrigt till Helenes webshop.