Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back before the new year!

Wow, I'm a bit impressed with myself! I have to warn you though, that this post won't be very long either. I just don't have that much exciting to report!

Although, we have decided to buy the house! We move the last weekend in March, and it's going to be so much fun! Well, not the actual move, but you know. Owning our own house, doing the interior decorating, stuff like that. You are hereby all invited to come visit! I recommend coming during the summer, when Sweden usually shows its best side :)

Christmas has been really good, although it's been a bit hectic to find the time to see everyone. I think we managed most of our family, and a few friends too. We got to see our god son Alex, who got a stuffed Super Mario toy for Christmas from us (you have to teach them about the important stuff early....) . I got an awesome gift from my parents, the book "Julkulor" by Arne & Carlos (it's the book 55 Christmas Balls to knit, but in swedish). The book came with a small kit with yarn and stuffing to make two Christmas balls. Our Christmas tree next year is going to look awesome!

Then, on Christmas Day, I actually got the very same book from Thomas' grandparents! So I've decided to give one of them away here on the blog, instead of exchanging it. If you want it, just leave me a comment here on the blog telling me you want to be in on the draw. If you follow the blog, you'll be eligible for one more entry. Bear in mind though, that the book is in swedish! Most of the patterns are charted, but the description on how to make the actual ball at the beginning of the book is in swedish. I'll draw the winner on the 6th of January.

On my own knitting front, nothing much has happened. I just haven't had the time to knit during the weekend, and this week I've been alone at the lab so there's been plenty of work to keep me occupied! This weekend we need to get out to the cabin to see if the recent storms have blown the roof off, and then on Saturday night we're celebrating New Years Eve with some friends. It's going to be awesome! But there won't be much knitting I think.

Have a nice New Year, and I'll see you some time next week!

/ Jenny


Anonymous said...

Mamma har pratat om de där guttarna från Norge som gör julkulor. Skulle va kul o ha =) Verkar som om det är lagom stickprojekt för min smak! Nja nyår tänkte jag mig nog mer skumpa än stickning hihi. Kram Klara

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

I'd like the book.. it could be fun trying to understand the patterns :D

vitsippa said...

Jag sitter precis och tittar igenom en kopia på engelska som jag lånat på biblioteket. Skulle gärna ha en kopia på svenska, men har för säkerhets skull lagt in den på min önskelista för julen 2012! Den här boken är ju såå härlig, och Arne & Carlos är ju super på Youtube! Håller tummarna!

Lynn said...
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