I've finally managed to take some photos of the projects I'm working on. I'll start with the oldest. I don't know if I've shown you this mini-scarf I made a while ago? I got a single skein of Noro Silk Garden from Ulrika a couple of weeks ago, and just knitted it up as a triangle scarf as big as it would get. I wear it with a circular scarf needle, and I think it looks pretty good for being my very first knit without a pattern!
I thought I would ask Thomas to take a photo of me wearing the green bolero cardigan I'm knitting from the top down, but he went over to my sister's boyfriend to play x-box before I had a chance. So you'll have to be satisfied with a picture of it sitting on the sofa. This is it:
Isn't Hobbe cute helping me modelling it?! The bottom photo just shows the neato increases I made for the arms. Don't they look like raglan decreases? I think I told you that I ran out of the yarn before I finished it, so it's still lacking an arm. But I've ordered two more skeins that should arrive here this week, I hope. And I really LOVE the buttons, they look great with the green yarn I think.
I've also felted the main part of the needle storage unit I've knitted in Drops Eskimo yarn. I felted it a little bit too long, so it's a bit stiff, but I can live with that. I think it looks rather good anyhow. I'm going to knit tow cabled stripes and sew them on to hold the needles later on, I just have to decide which yarn to use for this. I actually have some Eskimo yarn leftovers, maybe I'll just use that.
I've also begun a winter scarf for myself in the absolutely lovely Eco Alpaca from Viking of Norway yarns. I LOVE this yarn, I sort of wish I could afford to make all my bulky projects in this. Although it only comes in natural colours so far, and maybe that would be a bit dull in the long run. But the scarf is turning out great though, it's just stockinette stitch with borders in horisontal ribbing so it won't curl up too much. I love the off-white and nougat colours together, and I think it will look great with my dark brown winter coat. I'm thinking of adding some fringes to it when I've finished as well, I'll see if I have enough yarn though.
And finally I'm knitting a pair of burgundy cabled gloves for myself. These are the ones I told you about that I actually began in an alpaca yarn but ripped up because they looked horrible. I wish I had taken photos of them in the pink yarn for you to see, but I forgot. But in this yanr, which has wool and silk in it (I don't remember the percentages, and I can't be bothered to find the lable just now...), which makes the cables pop a lot better. It's a little bit hard to see in the photos, but they look pretty good now.
Palm side:
Back of hand:
I also promised to show you photos of the finished Ishbel scarf, so here it is:
It is one of my absolute favourite finished objects, although I think that the blocking is coming a bit undone as the yarn has 25 % nylon in it... I don't mind though, I guess I'll just have to block it again some time. I love the yarn, as I guess I've told you several times before. I'm thinking I might make another scarf from the other two skeins I have, but a larger one. I have the pattern for a Pacific Island scarf that might do it. I'll think about it.
I'm also itching to start the Lettuce Coat that is in the Custom Knit book by Wendy Bernard. I LOVE that book, there are just so many patterns in it that I want to make, but I think I like this the most. I bougth 10 skeins of a 100 % wool yarn called Sarek, from Marks & Kattens, that will look great in this coat. I've made a swatch and made sure that the weight will work too, so I just have to finish something else first. I really don't like to have too many projects going at a time, as I can't seem to chose which to work on! But I think I'll finish the striped scarf soon, as the yarn is very chunky and knits up very fast, and then I'll cast on for something lace-y I think. I bougth the pattern for the Heere Be Dragons sjawl a while ago, and I have the perfect yarn for it too, so maybe I'll give that one a go. It looks crazy difficult though, so maybe I'll practice some first on some easier project...
Oh, and I have to tell you about this past weekend! We had a game night here, where we and some friends of ours played boardgames (well, the boys played some tv-games too) for the whole evening. We began with a game called Ticket to Ride, where you build railroads all over USA. It was so much fun! We played in pairs, because it would have been too messy with 6 different players, and my sister and I came in second, right after Anna and Sandra. The boys, Thomas and Mattias, finished last :) Then Alan and Marcus showed up, and the boys migrated to the TV to play Brütal Legend, the new Heavy Metal game with Jack Black (which is actually a really good game, even though I'm not exactly as metal as my husband...), and us girls proceeded to play several rounds of Once Upon a Time, a card game where you make up fairy tales as you go along. It was such a great night, I really needed some fun! And I think that maybe my anti-depressants are starting to work too. Hopefully.
Now I'm going to clean the kitchen, and then sleep.
/ Jenny